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The Archives page in the CoreArchive Web user interface displays all Archives created in CoreArchive. The Archives page provides the following information for each archived study.


All archives displayed in the Archives page are temporarily stored. These archives will be removed automatically after seven (7) days.






Select archives by checking the check box in the first column. Select box at top of column to select all available Archives.


Archive ID


The current status of the archive. Archives may contain any of the following status:

PROCESSING - Archive is processing

ERROR - The archive has some error(s)

COMPLETE - Archive is completed successfully, and is ready for user to download


The resulting message of the archive


Provides a link to download archives. Archives is either a zip archive or an ISO archive


The size of archive


The date and time at which archive was created

Expires in

The day(s), hour(s) and minute(s) after which archive will be deleted from CoreArchive automatically


The comment provided by user while creating archives


The current list of archives displayed on the Archives page may be filtered by setting the desired criteria in the Search bar at the top of the Archives page.


The current list of archives can be sorted on ID, Status, Size, Created, Expires in columns.


Archives results can be downloaded for any COMPLETE archive by clicking on a link given in Download column. These archived studies are downloadable as .zip files or .iso files depending which archive format was selected during archive creation.


When one or more archives are selected (by checking the first column of the archives row), the Delete action may be performed on the selected archives(s).


Delete Batch Action:Choosing this action for Archives deletes the Archives from CoreArchive.