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CoreArchive allows users to view the list of studies that have been uploaded. The Studies page provides the following information for each study:





Select studies by checking the check box in the first column

Study ID

Number of study Items followed by StudyID of the study

Patient ID

Number of study items followed by Patient ID

Patient Name

Patient Last Name, First Name

Patient DOB

Patient Date Of Birth

Study Date

Date & Time on which the study arrived in CoreArchive

Study Date From

User definable starting date for a definable date range

Study Date To

User definable ending date for a definable date range

Study Date Preset

Selectable date ranges: ie - yesterday, current week, previous week, etc

Study Uploaded date

Date & Time on which the study was uploaded from modality


Modality from where the study was uploaded to CoreArchive


The list of Studies displayed on Studies page may be filtered by selecting the desired criteria in the Search bar at the top of the Studies page by selecting the select criteria button in the upper left of the studies page.


The list of Studies can be sorted by StudyID, Patient Name, Patient ID, Patient DOB, Study Date, Study Uploaded Date, Sender columns.


'Edit Patient Information' dialog appears when clicking on any Patient Name. This dialog can be used to update patient information (if the patient is not a default patient), to create a new patient, and to choose existing patient for a selected study.


Batch Actions


One or more studies can be selected for a batch action by checking the box in the first column of the study row. The Archive and Delete batch actions may be performed on the selected studies by selecting the down arrow at the top of the first column of the study row. To select all the records shown on the current page select the box at the top of first column. To select any specific row(s), select the box for that specific row(s).



Archive Batch Action: Choosing this action archives the selected study(s). CoreArchive supports two archive formats- .Zip archive & .ISO archive. Users can optionally choose to include CorePlayer. Comments can be added to the archive. CorePlayer will allow the recipient of a DVD containing ISO images to view the images contained on an archived DVD. Please see the image below.




Delete Batch Action: Choosing this action deletes the studies from CoreArchive. Please see the image below.

